Location: New Windsor, MD

Friday, April 14, 2006

Just got back from Vegas

poorer... a lot poorer. Pete and I spend the last weekend and a few days this week in Vegas for WPPI. It was a great convention, but I am tired! Non stop hanging out with my sister and her husband who joined us for the weekend to see Elton John's show The Red Piano. (Warning: do not see this show if you are not prepared for overly explicit visuals)

We finally did the Stratosphere scare-the-socks-off-you-ride. Becky did not ride and grabbed a photo for us.

Things got a little silly with Chris & Beck around - especially when you have a monorail car to yourself!

We won $35 twice in a row on black 26 - Caden's birthday - at the roulette table. Keep me away from Rapid Roulette!


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